Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Winterlude 2005 - Ottawa's Winter Festival

Picture this...
It is February and the temperature is +7 degrees celsius and sunny. You walk downtown Ottawa and you see thousands of people enjoying their day on the world's longest skating rink. Some of them take a break to enjoy a "Canadian Beavertail" and a cup of hot chocolate. Others take a stroll over to view the glistening ice sculptures. There is a friendly hockey match taking place between two local mayors and their councillors. You can hear children laughing and you decide that you should join in on the fun...

This is what it was like 2 days ago when we went downtown Ottawa to check out Winterlude. Winterlude is Ottawa's famous winter festival. It takes place over three weekends in February and it offers plenty of activities and events for the entire family. Read more about Ottawa's Winterlude here...


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