Ottawa Splash Pads - Perfect Way to Stay Cool!
Friends of mine who don't live in Ottawa (or Ontario for that matter) can not comprehend our drastic temperature changes. It is crazy. I chat with them on the phone in the winter and explain that it is -30 with the windchill and then I chat with them in the summer (like last week) and explain that it is in the mid-40's with humidity.
So, how are you staying cool in this humidity? If I didn't have children, I would probably just spend more time indoors in the air conditioning (or possibly a pub with a cold drink)!! But, I do have children who LOVE the outdoors and don't comprehend humidity. So, I need to think of them.
I am not much of a beach person (bathing suits and I dislike each other VERY much) so the next best thing is a splash pad. To me, they are the best way to keep cool on these hot summer days.
Here is a list of the splash pads in Ottawa (from the City of Ottawa website):
City of Ottawa splash pads
Grab the kids and their bathing suits and towels and go enjoy the water! Don't forget hats and sunscreen. You can also pack a picnic lunch so you could spend a few hours there.
Great Link to the splashpads! Very helpful in this weather- especially when working outdoors!
Thanks again!
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FYI - the post above was only deleted because it was a duplicate!!
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