Monday, September 5, 2005

4-day weekend = 4 new pages!

I have been so productive this long weekend. I also had Friday off so it was a 4-day weekend for me. Most imporantly, for those who want information on Ottawa, we created four new pages. I already mentioned two of them in a previous post but here are the two newest pages:

Ottawa Entertainment - this lists all the venues that offer great entertainment in Ottawa. We had a lot of entertainment listed already on our site but this page makes it easier for our visitors to find what they are looking for.
Ottawa Comedy Clubs - there are two in Ottawa and they are awesome. We absolutely love going to see a comedy show - it is a fun night out and we find it helps us to unwind.

Besides the new pages, we also visited with friends, spent some time outdoors because it was beautiful, watched a couple movies and relaxed. Now, back to work tomorrow.

I hope you all had a great weekend.


At September 08, 2005 12:21 PM, Blogger Ottawa Information Guide said...

Jenn, thank you so much for your comments. We think the new logo makes the site much nicer too.

I was reading some of your blog and have to congratulate you on doing so well on your AM sites. You are doing great and I hope to be doing that well someday soon!



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