Friday, July 22, 2005

The 2005 NHL Entry Draft in Ottawa

Well, there will definitely be a hockey season this year. It looks like there are mixed feelings from the fans and I can understand why. But this isn't a blog to debate who was right and who was wrong. There are plenty of other blogs to do that.

The good news for Ottawa is that the Ottawa Senators are back! They had a huge fan base in Ottawa and I am sure they will return to support them.

The other good news for Ottawa is that the 2005 NHL Entry Draft will be held in Ottawa on July 30 at noon at the Westin Hotel.

The Draft will bring a lot of people to Ottawa for a few days which will be great for Ottawa Restaurants and also for Ottawa Hotels & Motels. This sure has been a busy season for all of the local businesses.

Welcome back Sens! Go Sens Go!

Aren't people wonderful?

I hope you answered "yes" to that question! We have been getting really good feedback on our Ottawa Information Guide website. We love it! We love opening up our email each day and reading comments from people who live in Ottawa or people who used to live in Ottawa but miss it (we missed it too when we were away for so long).

Anyway, enough of my rambling! The reason for my post today was to let you know about someone who contacted us through our website. They wanted to tell us about a fundraiser that was going to take place in Ottawa on August 1, 2005. Read more about it on their website: The Road to Recovery. It really is a remarkable story.

That was really it for today. Hopefully we will find some time this weekend to create some more pages on our website.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Traffic is increasing!

How exciting! The traffic on our Ottawa Information Guide website is doing much better this month than last month. We are only half way through July and our numbers have doubled (visitors per day AND total of visitors for the month)! We are so excited that more and more people are finding us.

The SBI process is still a lot of fun! We would hate to get bored of something that we put so much time into! We definitely don't think we are ever going to get bored of this. We love Ottawa and we love talking about Ottawa!

We have been a little slow at creating more content. We built another page last night on Ottawa Mortgages which makes only the second page that we created this month (eek)! Like I have said before, it is just too nice outside to be sitting in front of a computer. We would much prefer to be outside! Oh well, if all else fails we know that we will be hibernating in the cold winter so we can create more pages then!

Cheers! Hope you all have a fun weekend.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

A few more concerts in Ottawa...

Just a quick post to report that Sum 41 and Billy Idol will be coming to Ottawa this summer too (on separate nights). Check out our concerts in Ottawa page on our website.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Black Eyed Peas

WOW! What a show last night. We went downtown last night to see the Black Eyed Peas at the Ottawa Bluesfest along with over 25,000 other people. It was awesome. They are quite the entertainers! We were all up on our feet dancing, swaying, rocking, foot tapping, singing along etc! The show was outside so we were all happy that the rain stayed away. It was the perfect night for an outdoor concert.

Everytime I go to one of Ottawa's festivals I am reminded (once again) what an amazing city this is. There we were smack dab in the middle of downtown Ottawa on the grounds of City Hall taking part in one of the best outdoor festivals in Canada.

There are many more upcoming concerts in Ottawa including the remainder of the Bluesfest, the Chamber Music Festival and other individual shows at various venues throughout the city!

Get out and enjoy some of the great entertainment coming to Ottawa! Have fun!

Friday, July 1, 2005

Happy Canada Day 'eh!

HAPPY CANADA DAY! What are you doing to celebrate Canada Day? Ottawa is the best place to celebrate Canada Day seeing as it is the Nation's capital. There are concerts planned as well as an amazing fireworks show at night. According to the radio it is already getting quite busy downtown. The weather is going to be pretty reasonable today so it would be a great place to be to enjoy a few cold beverages on a patio!

As for our Ottawa website, I created a page on the Chateau Laurier which is one of the most stunning hotels in all of Canada. It looks like a beautiful castle situated right in the heart of downtown Ottawa. We have toured around inside and seen some of the rooms - WOW! It is spectacular.

Hope you all have a great day. We are off to celebrate Canada Day in Ottawa!
