It is working! It is really, really working. This has been so much fun building a website with Site Build It (SBI). However, we couldn't be 100% certain that it would actually work until we started seeing results.
Well, we are beginning to see results. Our site is only 6 weeks old (some pages are only days old) and the Search Engines are finding us! Google and MSN have found some of our pages already. We are even ranked in the top 10 for some! WOW! We are so surprised that this is happening so fast. We will have to get busy writing more articles and material for our site so our readers are happy.
We hope that all the other newbies & beginners out there are having as much fun as we are.
If you are new to site building and you don't believe that the process can be easy and fun then take a look at our site called
If you can believe it, seven weeks ago we didn't know a thing about HTML, tags, links, image optimzing or anything related to making our very own site. We were practically computer illiterate. The only thing we knew how to do was to type and surf the net! Not anymore!