Sunday, May 22, 2005

One of these things is not like the other...

I am sitting here at "stupid o'clock" (as my husband likes to call the early morning) on a Sunday with a cup of tea sitting beside me, staring at my Ottawa website and also staring at this blog and my mind is blank! I don't have any creative juices flowing at this time of the morning. So, instead of adding new information to the blog and/or the Ottawa website, I will ask you (my loyal readers - are there any?) for your suggestions.

I was pondering the whole idea of having this blog that mixes information on Ottawa and information on my Site Build It (SBI) journey and I realized that the two probably don't mix very well. What I mean is if someone finds our blog while they are looking for information on Ottawa then they probably don't care about how I am building the website, any problems that I am having, Google issues etc. And vice versa - people who are interested in my website building process probably don't really care about what is happening in Ottawa (although some might).

So, my question is "what do I do"? Apart from creating a second blog - I would prefer not to do that because I have enough distractions as it is so I don't need another blog to think about. What if I split the blog entries in two sections? Maybe with headers like these:
"Ottawa Information" section and "Site Build It" section
"What's New in Ottawa" section and "How's the website coming along" section
"Hey there Ottawa" section and "Hey there fellow webmasters" section

Yeah - those aren't too creative, are they? Seriously, I told you I didn't have any creative juices flowing at this time of the morning. If any of you have a suggestion on how I should split my blog entries, I would greatly appreciate it.

Hope you all have a nice Sunday. I hope it isn't grey & dreary as it is here in Ottawa.



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