Vote Ottawa Vote!
I just heard some very exciting news (well it is very exciting to me). The Canada Soccer Association (CSA) is going to host the 2007 FIFA World Youth Championship. Six cities are going to co-host the three-week long event which will bring teams from 24 different nations. Two of the cities have already been chosen: Edmonton and Toronto. That leaves four cities yet to be decided (they will be chosen on May 4th).
Now this is where YOU come in! You can vote for Ottawa! If you are a soccer fan (actually it is called football but seeing as the majority of people who are going to read this are Canadian or American, I will refer to it as soccer), if you are a soccer fan PLEASE vote. Even if you aren't, I beg you...please, please, for Ottawa anyways!
It takes 2 seconds to do it! Just follow the instructions on this link to the "Support Your City Online Interactive Soccer Initiative".
Thank you, thank you and thank you!
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