Sunday, April 24, 2005

"FUN"draisers in Ottawa

Fundraisers in Ottawa are FUN!!!

In a previous entry in my blog I mentioned a 3km walkathon that I was going to do on May 1st. It reminded me that I needed to put some information on our website about Ottawa Fundraisers. There are hundreds of them every year!

There are some over the winter months but the majority of them are throughout the spring, summer & fall. Every weekend there are a few different ones to choose from. One of our friends who moved to Ottawa a couple years ago always comments on how many fundraisers that we have here. I am very proud that we have so many.

Have you ever particpated in any of them? I have volunteered for a few, participated in some and watched even more! They are exciting, fun & all for a good cause. Let me know what ones you enjoy participating in or watching.

Hopefully you will find some time this year to volunteer for or participate in some of the Ottawa Fundraisers.


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