Monday, September 26, 2005

Aerosmith & Lenny Kravitz in Ottawa

They have just announced another great concert for 2005. This has been the best year for Ottawa concerts by far which has included bands like Pearl Jam, Green Day, Rolling Stones and U2 (who will be coming in November)!

The concert that has just been announced is: Aerosmith & Lenny Kravitz! They will be playing at the Corel Centre on November 16, 2005! Now that would be an amazing show to see.

Hope those who want to go will be able to get tickets because this will probably be another sold out show. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Ooops - long time since I have posted!

Just a quick post to say hi. I haven't been doing too much with the site lately because life off of the computer was very busy. My regular job was busy AND our social life has been busy.

As for Ottawa, there is still lots going on that I need to write about. I think I mentioned in a previous post that even though summer is over, the activities never seem to end in Ottawa. The Carp Fair and the Fall Home Show are on this weekend, the Ottawa Fall Wedding Show is on next weekend and the Gatineau Fall Park Rhapsody begins next weekend as well. So, you see, there is still a lot do to keep you busy in Ottawa!

I hope to add more new pages soon to our website. I have few more in mind so now I just have to get writing.

Hope everyone is well and hope you had a great weekend!


Monday, September 5, 2005

4-day weekend = 4 new pages!

I have been so productive this long weekend. I also had Friday off so it was a 4-day weekend for me. Most imporantly, for those who want information on Ottawa, we created four new pages. I already mentioned two of them in a previous post but here are the two newest pages:

Ottawa Entertainment - this lists all the venues that offer great entertainment in Ottawa. We had a lot of entertainment listed already on our site but this page makes it easier for our visitors to find what they are looking for.
Ottawa Comedy Clubs - there are two in Ottawa and they are awesome. We absolutely love going to see a comedy show - it is a fun night out and we find it helps us to unwind.

Besides the new pages, we also visited with friends, spent some time outdoors because it was beautiful, watched a couple movies and relaxed. Now, back to work tomorrow.

I hope you all had a great weekend.

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Ottawa 67s & the Ottawa Little Theatre

We have created a couple more pages on our Ottawa website in the last two days:

Ottawa 67s - Ottawa's OHL team

Ottawa Little Theatre - an old, beautiful theatre that features local talent in some unique production shows

Even though summer is coming to an end, there still seems to be so much going on in Ottawa. There are some great fundraisers coming up like the Terry Fox Run and there are a few local fairs like the Carp Fair. Who says that the fun needs to end when summer is over? I guess the school kids do! There is still a lot for them to do on the weekends.

Have a great long weekend everyone!

Friday, September 2, 2005

Donate to the Red Cross

This has nothing to do with Ottawa or Site Build It but I thought it was important due to the recent events with Hurricane Katrina:

I wish I could have found one for the Canadian Red Cross but I couldn't.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 1, 2005

I have made my decision finally

Well, I think I have finally made my decision. I think I am going to split my blog in two. I am going to keep this one so I can continue to discuss Ottawa and new pages on our site. My second blog will be about our journey with SBI and how we made our site. It won't be too technical because I don't know anything about the technical side of building a site - this is why I am using SBI.

I think in the long run this will be better for our readers. Often people find us by doing a search on the internet for something related to Ottawa - I am certain they do not care that we are doing well with traffic or that we are doing well with Adsense. They just want their information about Ottawa and that's it.

So, as soon as I make the new blog, I will let you know what the blog address is. I don't have any idea yet as to what it will be.

Cheers to all my readers (I know there aren't many - but maybe my readers will increase now that the topic will be more specific to what they want).